CHT and our concern
It goes without saying that, strategically CHT is very important region in Bangladesh.Because we have border with both India and Myanmar there.It should be noted here that,Right after the independence of Bangladesh as CHT people were not recognized in our constitution o Bangladesh. Since then they were unhappy.Not only that they wanted to something which were related to the 1900 resulation.However lack of proper initiative they had to go armed conflict against the Government. Since then bloodshed incident went on until the before the peace accords was signed in 1997 on December.Before the peace accord different regime took initiative to tackle the problem.Such as Ziaur Rhaman, in his term,sent a lot of people from plain land to CHT. Actually, it was the strategy to stop the insurgency.But it seems to me that the mistake started right after from there .But it should be noted here that from early era CHT people urged the concern authority to stop the Bengali people in CHT area.So this process were instigate to them to fight the government .At last in 1997 on 2December,historic day came and Awami league government and Cht leaders reached a desicision and a treaty was signed regarding the CHT.It is important to note here that in the reaction of the treaty the opposition party of Bangladesh and UNPDF opposed the treaty.ALTHOUGH A TREATY WAS signed but it is remain only on paper,there were no credible initiative has been taken until now .A very interesting point here that ,although awami league government did the treaty .because lack of proper initiative , no tangible change has been doing until now.And BNP government totally ignored the treaty .During their period, they did take any signals initiative regarding the treaty,our concern is that ,we have a bitter experience about CHT and Bangladesh government. We can not go back in the past again. We made mistake in the past and we do not make mistake the present volatile situation again indicate us that we have to be very careful about the implementation of the treaty although the incumbent government has taken some initiative like established of land land commission to the land problem,recognization of CHT people in the constititution of Bangladesh .but we have to see land commission renmain silente.what does it mean ?
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