National Women Development Policy- 2011: How progressive it is?

The situation which we have seen today that is really looking fantastic particularly for women aspects.There is absolutely no doubt that, the way they are going on every sector which is really appreciable. If we see the history of our country. Language movement 1952, Mass uprising 1969, General election 1970, and specially, liberation war of Bangladesh 1971 women played vital role in every sector. We all know that, 2 lacks women raped by the Pakistani brutal force. After the independence women have entered the every sector gradually which is very appreciable?

But the things which are very regret that, until now because of patriarchic attitude they confined within the home. Even now, women deprive their fundamental right. Suppression and oppression has been continuing feature in our community .Eva-teasing, dowry system is common phenomena in our society where women are the ultimate sufferer.

Because of proportionate participation of women in all sphere of life, the present incumbent government has proposed a policy which is known National Women development policy 2011.It is relevant to mention here that, from the poem of Gitanjali which is written by Tagore:
Those whom you push down will chain you down
Those whom you leave behind will pull you behind
The more you envelop them under darkness of ignorance
The more distant will your own welfare be?
We are very unfortunate nation that, we cannot consider the greater interest, we always consider of our own interest in such a way which is very self contradictory .Needless to say, we are not Islamic country. We are such a country where secularism is one of the main fundamental state policies. There is absolutely no doubt that, the laws which are existing in our country that are not formulating according to the Quran and Sunna except the “inherited property”
The thing which is always hurt for me, the religion based political party who oppose the women development policy in the name of Islam. I think, they do not read the policy carefully if they read properly than they cannot oppose this policy.
It is worth to mention here that, Religion based political party demanded that, Women development policy is very much contradictory to the Quran and Sunnah. Their allegations given below :
1. Women development policy propose that, divide the inherited property equally both man and women which is anti-Islamic.
2. They allege that, women development is based on CEADOW, and government try to establish CEADOW in every aspect of life but CEADOW itself is anti-Islamic.

But if we see the propose policy very carefully than we see that, there is no word in the policy that states “inherited property “has been divided equally both men and women”. Now my question is that, if they oppose the propose policy why they are not opposed the constitution of Bangladesh. From my personal point of view it can be said that, Women development policy is the reflection of constitution f Bangladesh Which states that,artice 10. Steps shall be taken to ensure participation of women in all spheres of national life.
Article 28
(1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race Caste, sex or place of birth.
(2) Women shall have equal rights with men in all spheres of the State and of public life.
(3) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth be subjected to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to access to any place of public entertainment or resort, or admission to any educational institution.
(4) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making special provision in favor of women or children or for the advancement of any backward section of citizens.

There is absolutely no doubt that on the basis of above articles women development policy has been formulated. so, there is no reason to say that women develop policy is not against the Quran and sunna.

On the other hand, 2nd allegation by the religion based political parties is that, this policy has proclaimed to implement CEDOW all sphere of life. But we know that, when we ratify this convention in 1997, we were reserve some article which is against the Quran and Sunnah.

So it is easy to understand on the basis of common sense that they are unnecessarily opposed? Vilify the national women development policy which is barrier to women development