Thursday, 25 August 2011

National Women Deveploment policy -2

 Do you think you think, National women development policy -2011 upholds women rights? Critically Analyses, if it reflects CEDAW, Beijing platform for Action, and Millennium development goals.
Over the years, women have been playing a vital role in their own societies in various ways. At the same time women are the main victims of suppression and oppression of their own societies. From the very beginning of human history, there were no discrimination in the respect of men and women. They lived in an egalitarian society where there were absent of private property and both men and women were the right to access anything. Women and men worked within the home.
Because of emerging private property and industrial revolution, men had to go outside their home at the same time women confined in their respective home. That was the beginning of women suppression and oppression.
In this paper, I divide two parts. In the first of this paper I will discuss   Why Bangladesh need national women development policy, I also try to Explore contradiction between the NWDO and Bangladesh constitution .I also try to find out that, paradoxically NWDP upholds human rights, but if we want to see the policy with carefully then we see it cannot upholds the women rights Because of ambiguous term and at the same time loopholes of the policy.
In the second part of this paper I will discuss how it is not reflect CEDAW, Beijing platform for action and millennium development goals.

“All human beings are born free with equal and inalienable rights and fundamental freedom”[1]If this so, Why not women. It is beyond doubt that, half of the total population of women; we cannot make progress without their participation of different sectors and without getting their equal rights.
If we see the history, women have deprived their basic rights even until now women suppression and oppression is a common phenomenon in our society.
Because of suppression and oppression as well as deception against women, World community in the international level has taken number of initiative to uphold women rights. And in the national level, different states are making policy to uphold women rights in order to maintaining international standard. It should be noted here that policy is not a law but depend on the policy, law will be made.
Why Bangladesh need national women development policy:
 According to the UN Development Programmer’s Human Development Report for 2006, Bangladesh ranks 137 among 177 countries on its Gender Development Index; and 67 out of 75 countries on the Gender Empowerment Measure, a measure of gender inequality in economic and political terms.[2] The Global Gender Gap Index 2007 ranks Bangladesh 100 out of 128 countries in terms of gender equality.
If we see the history of our country. Language movement 1952, Mass uprising 1969, General election 1970, and specially, liberation war of Bangladesh 1971 women played vital role in every sector. We all know that, 2 lacks women raped by the Pakistani brutal force. After the independence women have entered the every sector gradually which is very appreciable?

But the things which are very regret that, until now because of patriarchic attitude they confined within the home. Even now, women deprive their fundamental right. Women are not getting equal right over inherited property. Suppression and oppression has been continuing feature in our community .Eva-teasing, dowry system is common phenomena in our society where women are the ultimate sufferer.

Because of proportionate participation of women in all sphere of life, the present incumbent government has proposed a policy which is known National Women development policy 2011.It is relevant to mention here that, from the poem of Gitanjali which is written by Tagore:
“Those whom you push down will chain you down
Those whom you leave behind will pull you behind
The more you envelop them under darkness of ignorance   
The more distant will your own welfare be.”[3]
Because of tackling the above situation, a legal framework is essential. National women development is such a steps to make a framework. 

Some progress of women in Bangladesh:
It is very relevant to pertinent here that if we want to see in Bangladesh in recent years we have to see following change
But women in this Muslim nation of more than 150 million had also made progress. Girls’ enrolment in secondary school in this male-dominated society jumped to 3.9 million in 2005, from 1.1 million in 1991, including an increasing number of girls from disadvantaged or remote areas.  This had enabled Bangladesh to achieve one of its Millennium Development Goals ahead of time - gender parity in education.[4]

Female enrolment as a percentage of total enrolment increased from 33 percent in 1991 to 48 percent in 1997 and about 56 percent in 2005.
Secondary school certificate pass rates for girls in a government approved project covering nearly a quarter of the country (organised by the Bangladesh Female Secondary School Assistance Programme) increased from 39 percent in 2001 to 58 percent in 2006.  Indirect benefits of this include delays in the age of marriage and reduced fertility rates, better nutrition, and more females employed with higher incomes.

The ratio of girls to boys in primary schools rose from 45:55 in 1992 to 53:47 in 2005 and in secondary schools from 34:66 in 1992 to 50:50 in 2005, the report said. Women’s participation in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector rose from 40.7 in 1992 to 58.6 in 2003, according to a government labour force survey of 2003, the last time such a survey was undertaken.

National Women Development Policy 2011 at a Glance
*       Eliminate all forms of oppression against women and girls.
*      Define women as human resource.
*      Women’s position in politics and in administration.
*      To ensure women education to eliminate discrimination among male and female in access of education, provide scholarship for female children to carry their education, article- 21.
*      Political and Administrative both are vital issues of women policy-2011.All the political parties ensure women participation in their parties as well as in all sphere of politics .Women participation should be encouraged according to article-32.
Contradiction between Bangladesh constitution and NWDP:
It is important to note here that, Constitution is the supreme law of the nations. Our constitution itself declared article 7(2) This Constitution is, as the solemn expression of the will of the people, the supreme law of the Republic, and if any other law is inconsistent with this Constitution and other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.”[7]

On the other hand all laws and policies should be formulated on the basis of constitution. If we see the article 28((1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race caste, sex or place of birth. (2) Women shall have equal rights with men in all spheres of the State and of public life.[8]

At the same time if we want to see that NWDP, there is no word or sentence which declare that, inherited property have to be divided equally both men and women .So how we can say it upholds women rights.

Why it cannot upholds the women rights:
It seems to NWDP which is organized a piece of beautiful word which cannot upholds the women rights. There is no clear strategy, how it will be implemented.
It should be mentioned here that, there are several times in the NWDP states CEDAW has established all sphere of life. But we are still reserving CEDAW article 2,16(C) .So how we can say it upholds the women rights.   

The NWDP failed to mention anything about the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, the uniform family code, or the equal right of women to inherit property.

We need a uniform family code "Women in different religions get different shares of properties - equal in some religions and less in others. Our demand was to formulate a uniform family code giving women equal rights. The issue was not made clear in the policy,"

 If we see NWDP article 23(1)(2),25(2)[9]It cannot possible to achieve Because all of us know de-facto equality cannot be achieved without equal right of inheritance in the property and the principles of non-discrimination accepted by all and declared by UN CEDAW. This principle cannot be achieved without this right.

  CEDAW is based on three fundamental principles:
*    Non-discrimination
*    Equality
*    State obligation

It is very important to note that,CEDAW is considered the International women bills of rights which emphasize the acquiring equal rights both men and women in the all sphere of life. It goes without saying that,Bangladesh government still reserving the CEDAW article 2,16,(C).it should be noted here that article 2,16,(c)[10] considered the “roots” of the convention. But if we want to see the NWDP,although here several times have said that,CEDAW has been established in all sphere of life but because of reservation the above mention article, how we can say.NWDP reflects the CEDAW.  

MDGs and NWDP:
 In this connection BMP like to relate the issue with the highly discussed program of Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Some of us might know about the program of MDG and declaration, which has taken a challenge of changing world. MDG has declared 8 goals: 

· Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger for developing global partnership for development. [11]

· Combat HIV/ AIDS etc.
Among 8 goals, number 3 is to promote gender equality and empower women. 

Some of us know that in September 2005 there will be a mid-term meeting for implementation of MDG and we are pretty sure that there will be a delegation from
the government of Bangladesh and they have to produce a statement and might have to produce a report also as a member and as a signatory and ratified country of UN CEDAW.
my  question: How gender equality and the principle of non-discrimination will be implemented excluding the idea and concept of equal right, equal sharing of
power, economic resource, property, equal effective representation in the highest policy making level. Keeping discriminatory fundamental policy in the national level, MDG will be a furs and paper declaration. Without being the actual and honest supporter of principles of equality, one cannot be a genuine implementer of goal like MDG. It will be only a furs paper matter

NWDP and Beijing platform for actions:
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace, Beijing, 15 September 1995.It is very important to note here that ,if we see the Beijing platform for actions chapter IV[12],here reaffirm that without women equal right over the property in all sphere of live, it is not possible to the improvement of women. 

From the above discussion, it is easy to understand on the basis of common sense that, from the very beginning of the human history women have been suppressed and oppressed in their own families as well as in the state level. Because of removing such oppression and suppression .States has to take some essential steps which are very relevant to ensure their rights. In this aspects, NWDP is one such steps which can ensure the right f women .But if we see the carefully NWDP, we can see the many confused word and there is no clear strategy to implement.
On the other hand, we can say if NWDP can not reflect the MDGs, Beijing Platform for Action, CEDAD, because we discussed above.  

 1. National women development policy 2011.
2. Constitution of People`s Republic of Bangladesh
3. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs. Accessed on 16.06.2011, Available at
4.Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action* Accessed on 16.06.2011. Available at
5. Human Development Report For 2006. Accessed on14.06.2011. Available at
7. Universal Declaration of human Right 1948
8. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1989.


[1] .Universal Declaration of human Right 1948,United Nations Information Center,Dhaka,Bangladesh,October 2003.
[2] Human Development Report For 2006. Accessed on14.06.2011. Available at
[3] Tagore`s Gitangoly.
[4] Human Development Report For 2008. Accessed on14.06.2011. Available at
[5] Bangladesh Bureau of Statististic Report 2009 
[6] Government labor force survey of 2003
[7] Constitution of People`s Republic of Bangladesh, Article 7(2)

[8] Constitution of People`s Republic of Bangladesh, Article 28(1),(2)

[9]National  women development policy 2011.Article , 23(1)(2),25(2.
10 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1989.Article 2,16(c)

[11] The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs. Accessed on 16.06.2011, Available at
[12] Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action* Accessed on 16.06.2011. Available at

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Article 70 (1) Constitution of Bangladesh: Some observations.

Constitution of Bangladesh more or less is good constitution in the world no doubt. But some articles’ which are very controversial in that sense these are not coincide in the fabric of democracy.Our constitution itself proclaim that in article 11, The Republic shall be a democracy in which fundamental human rights and freedoms and respect for the dignity and worth of the human person shall be guaranteed, and in which effective participation by the people through their elected representatives in administration at all levels shall be ensured

On the other hand, if we want to see the article 39,(1) Freedom or thought and conscience is guaranteed. Unfortunately it is very regret for us when we see the article 70(1) which states that, A person elected as a member of Parliament at an election at which he was nominated as a candidate by a political party shall vacate his seat if he resigns from that party or votes in Parliament against the party.
Explanation. - If a member of Parliament- (a) being present in Parliament abstains from voting, or (b) absents himself from any sitting of Parliament, ignoring the direction of the party which nominated him at the election as a candidate not to do so, he shall be deemed to have voted against that party.

What does it mean? We know in the parliamentary democracy, Parliament is the key place where debate takes place that means different opinions come from the Member of Parliament. They have right to oppose anything which may not serve the countries people interest. They have the right to abstain from voting when they want .If they do not maintain the 70(1) provision, shall vacant seat? If this so, it is not democracy.

But one thing is very important and this is my observation that, this article should be amended in such a way where member of parliament should have the right to oppose/support or abstain from voting any Bill except the impeachment situation and the Bill of Budget.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

If we were the part of Pakistan: What would be happened?

At first, I want to gratitude those persons who sacrificed their lived to bring the independence in 1971 against the Pakistani brutal force. The situations which we have seen today in Pakistan, there is no need to describe. I think Pakistan is a totally funny state because they take money from United States to fight the terrorists at the same time they patronize the terrorist group. On the others hand, Pakistani people don’t want to see the United States presence in their country but they are very eager to go to United States.
It is hard to imagine Pakistani police or military did not know anything what was going on in Abotabad where not only Laden but his relatives are also living very comfortably .It is very interesting to see that after killing the Laden America announced that with the help Pakistani intelligence we killed Laden. But Pakistan denied this statement. Because of the fear of terrorist group .If this so, but why Pakistan has taken money from the United States?
We see, everyday bombing incidents has been happening in Pakistan. A few days ago a governor was killed by the hand of his own bodyguard .Bodyguard killed him because governor was trying to speak against the Blasphemy laws. How funny states it is!
Communal violence is a very common phenomenon in Pakistan .But if we see in Bangladesh; we are living in such a peaceful condition where everything is going on peacefully.
Pakistan can learn from Bangladesh many good examples. But one thing we have to learn from Pakistan, What happen to patronize the terrorists or extremist. Because some political party in our country always did in the past even now they try to patronize the extremist or terrorist group.
On the others hand, Real democracy is far cry to Pakistan. Although we see the democratic government but it is hard to imaging who operated the state, is it Military or prime minister.
Fortunately, we were separated in 1971 with a bloodshed war otherwise we are facing now trouble situation which as like as Pakistan`s people feces today. We are again grateful to those who sacrificed their life to bring the independence.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Killing of Osama Bin Laden: Situation of Pakistan

Osama Bin Laden has been killed by American force who was the leader of Al- quada.It has been said that Osama was the main culprit who was the responsible to 9/11 attacked. Immediately after the attacked, America announced “War on terror” or “Pre-emptive attacked” Which means that before attacking the enemy, Enemy must be killed by the American force. The main argument of “War on terror” is that to destroy the Osama and his terrorist group of Al quada.

In 2001, Taliban was in power in Afghanistan. It has been said by the America that Taliban was the responsible to shelter the Al quada.For this reason, Bush administration attacked the Taliban government and withdrawn them and to establish a puppet government. From that time, a lot of civilized population has been killed by American and NATO forces. But until may 2,2011 they did not find the Osama. If really Osama is died, we cannot say,Alkaida activities has stopped now. We know, we the died of leader, Ideology cannot be died. It seems to me the way they did the work in the past after the died of Osama their subversive activities are going on more rapidly. Because they are very much vindictive.

But the matter which is very important is that, Laden was found in such a fortified area where cantonment of Pakistan is very close from that area. The question which is automatically raise is that, Pakistan is a long ally of United States.With Pakistan,America wanted to fight the terrorists. That`s why, every year America provide Pakistan 1 billion dollar. The crux matter is that Laden has been killed in Abortobad which is very close to Pakistan`s cantonment.

Now Pakistan has faced multidimensional problems both inside and outside of the country. America believes that Pakistan is the “safe haven” to the terrorist and in this regard they shelter the laden. On the other hand,Al-kaida announces,Pakistan is the responsible to kill the Laden at the same time they warned the Pakistani government to revenge of Laden killing. But Pakistan denied both of the allegations. But it is hard to imaging military or intelligence force did not know anything what was going on? Another big question which automatically rise is that whether Pakistan sovereign or not. If sovereign, how America crossed the border without the permission of Pakistani government? Is it not the clear violation of Sovereignty?

Whatever the above situation, what patterns may be occurred the relationship between the America and Pakistan after killing the Laden in Pakistani soil .It seems to me that, America had little bit doubt about Pakistan, If this not why America without any prior information to the Pakistani army attacked the Laden cross the Geographical boundary of Pakistan .It is no doubt, America needs Pakistan to fight the Taliban because of geographical Location of Pakistan.

But at the same time, we cannot say that Pakistan is totally irresponsible to fight the terrorist. Until now 30 thousand people were died of Pakistan. But we can be said that some people who always tried to patronize the terrorist group, it may within the army or within the government. I think it is the nature of the Pakistan state. From my personal point of view it can be said that relationship between the Pakistan and the United states Still to be continue as it earlier.

If they truly want to destroy the terrorist activities, they have to take pragmatic steps without playing “Blame game “ which is very important to implement peace in this region. Following policy should be taken to establish peace.

 We know that, Pakistan have 1500000 military force. A big amountof money which is expensed to bear the military activities rather than general people. It has been said that, Pakistan has numbers of Madrassas which are the responsible to create extremists because the way learning presses is going on which is questionable. So education process should be changed dramatically.
 Modern educational institutions should be establish so that they can learn what should be done or not.

 Electrification Barrack and organize in such a way where they have no role in politics. The only work for them is to protect the sovereignty.
 Development process should be taken up at the bottom level. Trust building is very important to fight the terrorist so government has to do their activities in such a way where people seems that, yes government really keen to do something for them.

 should be expanding in a remote village.
 Infrastructural situation should be improved.
 The thing which is very important is that, military should be in

Monday, 16 May 2011

Educational Institution of Bangladesh and government failure.

In the last week, wrote about “Bangladesh collage of leather Engineering and technology (BCLET), Taking a hide,”by MH kawsar. It is totally unexpected and undesirable the way (BCLET) is going on.I want to thank MH kawsar who have done creative work which indicates that, Government unwillingness to do something regarding the (BCLET).It seems to me that ,This is something which is happening almost every educational institution in our country. It is such an example which indicates that where we are regarding the educational sectores.
According to the writer “ In 2009-2010 Bangladesh made $401.64 million export earnings from the leather sectors “.So it is easy to unders tant on the basis of common sense that how leather industry sectors contributes to our national economy?. BCLET is such an institution which provide quality students to improving the sectors .It is difficult question to answer, if this situation is to be continued the way writers presented his report how BCLET provide quality students. It seems to me that we are very unfortunate nation in that sense we are accustomed to do something which creates anarchic atmosphere .Not only this institutions, every government sectors are volatile situation now. The present incumbent government came into power in response to its offering “A Charter for Change “and “Digital Bangladesh” .But the way they are going on which is questionable. Yes, we see the change but negative change is happing. It also seems to me that ,they are going back to the “Analogue Bangladesh” .So my opinion in this aspect is that the present government has come to power with popular mandate .So there is no time to waste time .It is high to do something which indicates that ,yes we are going to be a “Digital Bangladesh

Constitution of Bangladesh: Violation at the top level

What we expected to see but what we see
What we expected to hear but what we hear
What we expected to think but what we think
What we expected to talk but what we talk
Not without reason, Constitution is the supreme law in state. Our constitution itself proclaim that in article 7(2) “This Constitution is, as the solemn expression of the will of the people, the supreme law Of the Republic, and if any other law is inconsistent with this Constitution and other law Shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void”. It is no doubt that, depending on the constitutional order all activities must be done at the same time all laws should be formulated to the consistency with the constitution. As citizens, we must maintain the rules and regulations which are incorporated in constitution. If we want to see the preamble of the constitution we see, “Affirming that it is our sacred duty to safeguard, protect and defend this Constitution and to maintain its supremacy as the embodiment of the will of the people of Bangladesh so that we may prosper in freedom and may make our full contribution towards international peace and co-operation in keeping with the progressive aspirations of mankind;”That means this article indicates that by any means State has the duty to safeguard, protect and defend this Constitution and maintain its supremacy so that we may prosper in freedom and may make our full contribution towards international peace and co-operation in keeping with the progressive aspirations of mankind. Not only that another article11 indicates that “The Republic shall be a democracy in which fundamental human rights and freedoms and Respect for the dignity and worth of the human person shall be guaranteed, and in which effective participation by the people through their elected representatives in administration at all levels shall be ensured”. But what we see in the top level of government, when they violate the rules and regulations where the general people will go? Now I will discuss what constitution has said and what government does.

First, if we see the article 145A. “All treaties with foreign countries shall be submitted to the President, who shall cause them to be laid before Parliament: Provided that any such treaty connected with national security shall be laid in a secret session of Parliament “We know from somewhere that Bangladesh government and Indian government involve some agreements and treaties but none of the treaties and agreements have yet been placed in parliament, is it not the violation our constitution?

Second, we know we have a article 77 of constitution tells that (1) Parliament may, by law, provide for the establishment of the office of Ombudsman.(2) The Ombudsman shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as Parliament may, by law, determine, including the power to investigate any action taken by a Ministry, a public officer or a statutory public authority. (3) The Ombudsman shall prepare an annual report concerning the discharge of his functions, and such report shall be laid before Parliament”. But is a very regret that No one government did not take any initiative since the independence except in 1980 parliament has passed a provision but it was yet light into force. Now automatically raise questions that, if we do not do anything regarding this article 77 but why we incorporated it in our constitution.

Third, if we see the article 49 “The President shall have power to grant pardons, reprieves and respites and to remit, suspend or commute any sentence passed by any court, tribunal or other authority”. It is very important to note here that the term which we see in the article 49 “any sentence passed by any court, tribunal or other authority “it means that after finishing their trial not before trial. But what we see a few months ago somebody has been released without finishing their trial. How can the president pardon a prime murder accused or suspect whose trial has not been commenced or finished yet.

Forth, if we see the article 30 “, No citizen shall, without the prior approval of the President, accept any title, honor, award or decoration from any foreign state”. It is very relevant to not here, our prime minister and others prominent persons got very valuable award in outside the country. But we did not see any news about the prior approval of the president.

Fifth, if we see the article 36. Subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the public interest, every citizen shall have the right to move freely throughout Bangladesh, to reside and settle in any place Therein and to leave and re-enter Bangladesh”. But who will define what public interest is? Because of such loopholes this article has been used politically.

Sixth, another article31 which is very important to safeguard people rights “To enjoy the protection of the law, and to be treated in accordance with law, and only in accordance with law, is the inalienable right of every citizen, wherever he may be, and of every other person for the time being within Bangladesh, and in particular no action detrimental to the life, liberty, body, reputation or property of any person shall be taken except in accordance with law”. But what we see in few days ago, when family of Limon hossian went to the police station to file the case against RAB than police refused to file the case. This is the single example. This is something which is happening almost everywhere in our country.

Seventh, if we see the article 25(1)(b) uphold the right of every people freely to determine and build up its own social, economic and political system by ways and means of its own free choice; and support oppressed peoples throughout the world waging a just struggle against imperialism, colonialism or racialism. But if we analysis the history we have to see that government cannot do anything which is against their interest. We know that Iraqi people, South Vietnam, Kosovo, Syria people were struggling against the oppressive and suppressive. But Bangladesh was always remaining silent in this regard.

Eight, if we see the article 17(a)”The State shall adopt effective measures for the purpose of - (a) establishing a uniform, mass-oriented and universal system of education and extending free and compulsory education to all children to such stage as may be determined by law “But what we see in our country is totally different picture.

Ninth, if we want t see article 22 of our constitution “The State shall ensure the separation of the judiciary from the executive organs of the State.”It is very important to understand that, since after the independence on one political party did not take any initiative to separate the judiciary from the executive organs of the state. Although 2007 formally judicial system has been separated but the way it has been going on, we cannot say judicial system are totally independent from the executive organs of the states. Because we know that, according to the article 95 (1) “The Chief Justice and other Judges shall be appointed by the President.”The point here is that, as we know according to the 48(1) “there shall be a President of Bangladesh who shall be elected by members of Parliament in accordance with law.”So it is easy to understand on the basis of common sense, how president will work. So it has the possibility to appoint the judges politically.

Tenth, if we want see the article 23 “The State shall adopt measures to conserve the cultural traditions and heritage of the people, and so to foster and improve the national language, literature and the arts that all sections of the people are afforded the opportunity to contribute towards and to participate in the enrichment of the national culture.”But it is remain only n paper, but practical picture is very different. We know that CHT is such an area where indigenous people are living in their own way. They have a distinct culture, language, religious .But we know our constitution has failed to recognized them. On the other hand if we want to see article 2(A). “The state religion of the Republic is Islam, but other religions may be practiced in peace and harmony in the Republic” This is good sign. Unfortunately, if we want to see the article 3. “The state language of the Republic is Bangla.”Here very important point is that, “Other language should be used in everywhere in our country” should be added in our constitution.

From the above discussion we can say, the situation which is prevailing in our country is not acceptable at all. So we should be very careful to maintain the constitutional order otherwise we have to face disastrous condition.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

What were their dreamed?

What were their dreamed?
We achieved independence in forty years ago against the Pakistani rulers who exploited us almost 24 years in term of political, economie,cultural,religion,etc.because of suppression and oppression of these kinds of sector, the golden boys of this country fought the Pakistani barbarian armed forces who were the second largest forces in the world.Unarmed golden boys of this countries fought the Pakistani barbarian forces with the sprite of patriotism at the same time they had a dreamed,what is their dreamed?To establishe the free and justice society.So it is our responsibility to established the free and justice society . But now we have to see different scenario.It is no doubt that deveploment process is a ongoing process.we achieved in number of sectors which is remarkable such as poverty situation is reducing , maternal mortality rate is reducing tremendously, per capital income is increasing day by day, but still we have to go far away.Because of political confrontation we have to lagging behind. Lack of political commitment between the two major political parties lead the development process in a anarchic situations. But it should not be continued .It must be stopped now. Otherwise the people who sacrifice their life in the liberation war of Bangladesh they will not forgive us .So it is our responsibility to work together to do something for the country and ultimately for our country people. Then it can be said that they will forgive us because we are doing too late to do something.

The Afghanistan problem: What policy should be needed?

The Afghanistan problem: What policy should be needed?

Now-a-days the issue which is turned into world politics is Afghanistan problem. After the events of September 9/11 2001, US and allied forces’ intervention in Afghanistan was welcomed by the Afghans. Because that was the time political situation was totally devastated in Afghanistan. Afghans people expected that this intervention may bring political stability as well as peace and happiness of their lives, but the hopes and wishes soon shattered when the Afghans found themselves again in a state of war.
Here we see the failure of international community as well as Afghan government.
Day by day the situation is much more complex. It must not be continued because every day, besides foreigners, many Afghan men, women and children have lost their lives, despite the presence of hundreds and thousands of foreign troops in Afghanistan which is violated the international norms, rules and regulations.
It is high time to take necessary steps which should be followed ,US and allied forces under, the mandate of UN, should organize an international conference in which the regional powers and neighbors of Afghanistan be given a part to play. The aims and objectives of the conference should be based on the strategy regarding how to cope with the present situation when some NATO members have given a signal to withdraw from Afghanistan. The talk should be based on exit strategy with emphasis on a time frame for the withdrawal of NATO forces. Moreover, empowerment of Afghan government and forces is given a special consideration.
The time frame for withdrawal of foreign troops should not be more than three to four years. During the process of withdrawal, if Afghan army and police are not well prepared to take their responsibilities Afghan army and police should be organized and trained by a friendly state acceptable to all Afghans. In this sector, Bangladesh can send troops to train them.
In this conference, international community and neighboring countries should also guarantee that they will not intervene internal matter of Afghanistan.
With the help of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, Afghan government should be encouraged to start negotiation with all opposition forces.

Afghan society is distinctly divided between the poor and the rich: the rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer day by day. The rich people constitute the ruling class while poor people are the most affected one. Middle class doesn’t exist. Afghanistan is in need of a middle class which may prove to be a much needed balancer in the society. Afghan refugees living abroad especially in Pakistan and Iran have the potential to become a strong middle class. These refugees are well educated and economically they are sound too. Thus, their skill and education can be utilized to bring positive changes in Afghanistan.
The power should be transferred in a transparent democratic manner so that people could have a chance to choose their representatives without fears of warlords and government interference.
Above steps have to be taken immediately, otherwise we may see the different picture in international politics .It should be keep in mind that history shown us suppression and oppression is not lasting forever.
Md Ariful Islam Rony
3th year,7th semester
Department of International relations
University of Dhaka (

The Afghanistan problem: What policy should be needed?

The Afghanistan problem: What policy should be needed?

Now-a-days the issue which is turned into world politics is Afghanistan problem. After the events of September 9/11 2001, US and allied forces’ intervention in Afghanistan was welcomed by the Afghans. Because that was the time political situation was totally devastated in Afghanistan. Afghans people expected that this intervention may bring political stability as well as peace and happiness of their lives, but the hopes and wishes soon shattered when the Afghans found themselves again in a state of war.
Here we see the failure of international community as well as Afghan government.
Day by day the situation is much more complex. It must not be continued because every day, besides foreigners, many Afghan men, women and children have lost their lives, despite the presence of hundreds and thousands of foreign troops in Afghanistan which is violated the international norms, rules and regulations.
It is high time to take necessary steps which should be followed ,US and allied forces under, the mandate of UN, should organize an international conference in which the regional powers and neighbors of Afghanistan be given a part to play. The aims and objectives of the conference should be based on the strategy regarding how to cope with the present situation when some NATO members have given a signal to withdraw from Afghanistan. The talk should be based on exit strategy with emphasis on a time frame for the withdrawal of NATO forces. Moreover, empowerment of Afghan government and forces is given a special consideration.
The time frame for withdrawal of foreign troops should not be more than three to four years. During the process of withdrawal, if Afghan army and police are not well prepared to take their responsibilities Afghan army and police should be organized and trained by a friendly state acceptable to all Afghans. In this sector, Bangladesh can send troops to train them.
In this conference, international community and neighboring countries should also guarantee that they will not intervene internal matter of Afghanistan.
With the help of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, Afghan government should be encouraged to start negotiation with all opposition forces.

Afghan society is distinctly divided between the poor and the rich: the rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer day by day. The rich people constitute the ruling class while poor people are the most affected one. Middle class doesn’t exist. Afghanistan is in need of a middle class which may prove to be a much needed balancer in the society. Afghan refugees living abroad especially in Pakistan and Iran have the potential to become a strong middle class. These refugees are well educated and economically they are sound too. Thus, their skill and education can be utilized to bring positive changes in Afghanistan.
The power should be transferred in a transparent democratic manner so that people could have a chance to choose their representatives without fears of warlords and government interference.
Above steps have to be taken immediately, otherwise we may see the different picture in international politics .It should be keep in mind that history shown us suppression and oppression is not lasting forever.
Md Ariful Islam Rony
3th year,7th semester
Department of International relations
University of Dhaka (

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Recognition of States and Governments in the basis of international law

Recognition of States and Governments in the basis of international law

 History of Recognition:
 Definition of state recognition:
 Preconditions of Recognition:
 Debate over recognition:
 Is withdrawal of recognition possible?
1. Theory of recognition:
• Constitutive theory
• Declarative theory
2. The purpose of Recognition
3. Forms of recognition in International law:
• Explicit Recognition
• Implicit Recognition

4. Nature of Recognition:
• De facto and
• De jure stat
5. Case Study of recognition
6. State practices
• Recognition - U.S. policy in the recognition of states
• Recognition - U.k. policy in the recognition of states:

7. Legal Consequences of Recognition

8. Conclusion


A Sovereign state is a state with a defined territory on which it exercises internal and external sovereignty, a permanent population, a government, independence from other states and powers, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states. The government of a sovereign state holds legal title to all property therein. It is also normally understood to be a state which is not dependent on, or subject to any other power or state. While in abstract terms a sovereign state can exist without being recognized by other sovereign states, unrecognized states will often find it hard to exercise full treaty-making powers and engage in diplomatic relations with other sovereign states. If want to see then we can say, A state must have some element Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States, 1933 lays down the most widely accepted formulation of the criteria of statehood in international law. It note that the state as an international person should possess the following qualifications: '(a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with other states'"
History of Recognition:
Since the late 19th century, virtually the entirety of the world's inhabitable land has been parceled up into areas with more or less definite borders claimed by various states. Earlier, quite large land areas had been either unclaimed or uninhabited, or inhabited by nomadic peoples who were not organized as states. However, even within present-day states there are vast areas of wilderness, like the Amazon Rainforest, which are uninhabited or inhabited solely or mostly by indigenous people (and some of them remain uncontested. Also, there are states which do not hold de facto control over all of their claimed territory or where this control is challenged (as in Somalia).
Currently the international community comprises more than 200 sovereign states, the vast majority of which are represented in the United Nations. These states form what international relations theorists call a system, where each state takes into account the behavior of other states when making their own calculations. From this point of view, states embedded in an international system face internal and external security and legitimating dilemmas Recently the notion of an international community has been developed to refer to a group of states who have established rules, procedures, and institutions for the conduct of their relations. In this way the foundation has been laid for international law, diplomacy, formal regimes, and organizations

Definition of state recognition:

The recognition of a state under international law is a declaration of intent by one state to acknowledge another power as a "state" within the meaning of international law. Recognition constitutes a unilateral declaration of intent. It is entirely at the discretion of any state to decide to recognize another as a subject of international law.
According to the American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy “In diplomacy, the act by which one nation acknowledges that a foreign government is legitimate and exchanges diplomats with it.The withholding of recognition is a way for one government to show its disapproval of another.”

According to the prof. L Oppenheim, in recognizing a state as a member of international community, existing states declared that in their own opinion the new state fulfill the condition statehood as required by international law.
State recognition signifies the decision of a sovereign state to treat another entity as also being a sovereign state. Recognition can be either express or implied and is usually retroactive in its effects. It doesn't necessarily signify a desire to establish or maintain diplomatic relations.
Form my personal point of view it can be said that, through recognition, the recognizing state acknowledge that the possesses the essential condition of statehood. However international law does not provide as how to these essential condition are to be determined.

Preconditions of Recognition:

The recognition of a state presupposes that it really exhibits the characteristics of a state within the meaning of international law. According to the prevailing three-element doctrine, this requires state territory, a state people and state power (i.e. a government that is effective and independent both externally and internally, as an expression of state sovereignty). Only the actual circumstances are relevant to the assessment of statehood (the "effectiveness principle").
In addition to the three elements mentioned, a state or an international organization can also set further conditions for recognition – for example compliance with the UN Charter or the observance of human rights.
If a state is recognized before all the preconditions for recognition are met (premature recognition), this is contrary to international law and legally ineffective. A state that prematurely recognizes another is in breach of the prohibition of interference in the internal affairs of a state (Art. 2 no. 4 of the Charter of the United Nations).

There is no definition that is binding on all the members of the community of nations on the criteria for statehood. In actual practice, the criteria are mainly political, not legal. L.C. Green cited the recognition of the unborn Polish and Czech states in World War I and explained that "recognition of statehood is a matter of discretion; it is open to any existing state to accept as a state any entity it wishes, regardless of the existence of territory or an established government.

Debate over recognition:
Naturally, the question has been raised weather recognition is a necessary institution, and if not, according weather it ought to be discarded either generally or in most instances. this was a view indeed of the late Richard Baxter, judge of the International Court of justice ,1979-1980,who felt that recognition caused more problems than it solved, and that its partial withdrawal would the maintenance of relations with states in which Extra constitutional changes of government were taking place
In1930, the then minister for foreign affairs of Mexico , Mr. Estrada, announced that his government would no longer issues declarations in the sense of the grants of recognition inasmuch as `such a course is an insulting practice and one which, in addition to the fact it offends the sovereignty of others nations ,implies that judgment of some sort may be passed upon the internal affairs of those nations by other government” This policy as thus announced ,has become generally known as the Estrada doctrine.

Is withdrawal of recognition possible?
Recognition De jure is final and once given cannot be withdrawn. If recognizing state observe that de Facto recognized state has failed to fulfill the demand of the people at the same time state security is deteriorated day by day then recognizing state never go for de jure recognition. But sometimes de facto recognition can be withdrawn. But it is very rare in ternational politics. At the time it should be kept in mind if once de jure proclaim towards states, it is not possible to withdrawn.
Theory of recognition:
In international law however, there are several theories of when a state should be recognized as sovereign. Here mainly I will discuss two theory of recognition.
• Constitutive theory
The constitutive theory of statehood defines a state as a person of international law if, and only if, it is recognized as sovereign by other states. This theory of recognition was developed in the 19th century. Under it, a state was sovereign if another sovereign state recognized it as such. Because of this, new states could not immediately become part of the international community or be bound by international law, and recognized nations did not have to respect international law in their dealings with them. In 1815 at the Congress of Vienna the Final Act only recognize 39 sovereign states in the European diplomatic system, and as a result it was firmly established that in future new states would have to be recognized by other states, and that meant in practice recognition by one or more of the great powers.
One of the major criticisms of this law is the confusion caused when some states recognize a new entity, but other states do not. Herschel Lauterpack, one of the theory's main proponents, suggested that it is a state's duty to grant recognition as a possible solution. However, a state may use any criteria when judging if they should give recognition and they have no obligation to use such criteria. Many states may only recognize another state if it is to their advantage.
• Declarative theory
By contrast, the "declarative" theory defines a state as a person in international law if it meets the following criteria: 1) a defined territory; 2) a permanent population; 3) a government and 4) a capacity to enter into relations with other states. According to declarative theory, an entity's statehood is independent of its recognition by other states. The declarative model was most famously expressed in the 1933 Montevideo Convention.
Article 3 of the Convention declares that statehood is independent of recognition by other states. In contrast, recognition is considered a requirement for statehood by the constitutive theory of statehood.
A similar opinion about "the conditions on which an entity constitutes a state" is expressed by the European Economic Community Opinions of the Bandits Arbitration Committee. The Basinet Arbitration Committee found that a state was defined by having a territory, a population, and a political authority.
2. According to the purpose of Recognition, state recognition can be divided in several wayes

• Recognition of state
• Recognition of government
• Recognition of liberation movement
• Recognition of government in exile.
3. Forms of recognition in International law:
• Explicit Recognition
• Implicit Recognition

• Explicit Recognition:
Express recognition can be express through Diplomatic note ,Note verbal, making treaty , parliamentary declaration etc.
• Implicit Recognition:
Implicit recognition can be expressed through making diplomatic relations, making trade and cultural treaty etc.

Recognition can be explicit or implicit (tacit). In state practice there is generally an explicit declaration of recognition, perhaps addressed to the government of the new state.
A distinction is also drawn between de jure and de facto recognition. If a state is accorded de jure recognition that means all the preconditions under international law for final and complete recognition have been fulfilled. De facto recognition has a comparatively less binding effect, because the legal relationship – though effectively in existence – is only provisional. Provisional de facto recognition for political reasons can of course be converted to de jure recognition once all the required legal preconditions have been fulfilled.
Nature of Recognition:
• De facto and
• De jure states:
Most sovereign states are states de jure and de facto (i.e. they exist both in law and in reality). However, sometimes states exist only as de jure states in that an organization is recognized as having sovereignty over and being the legitimate government of a territory over which they have no actual control. Many continental European states maintained governments-in-exile during the Second World War which continued to enjoy diplomatic relations with the Allies, notwithstanding that their countries were under Nazi occupation. A present day example is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which is a United Nations observe, has bi-lateral diplomatic relations with 104 states, while having no territory since 1798 and possessing only extraterritorial are since (i.e. embassies and consulates.) Other states may have sovereignty over a territory but lack international recognition, these are de facto states only. Somaliland is commonly considered to be such a state. For a list of entities that wish to be universally recognized as sovereign states, but do not have complete worldwide diplomatist recognition, see the list of states with limited recognition.
Recognition – de facto or de jure:
The territories of the Sovereign State of Israel were recognized by the USA and Russia within days, as de jure by default, through the de facto recognition given to the A) authority of the Provisional Government over those territories declared. B) later the US, through the de jure recognition of the Government of Israel set up under the authority of the Provisional Government to govern, within the declared sovereign territories.
The British did likewise but included a caveat, not recognizing any territories acquired by war by 1949 as sovereign to Israel. I.e., de jure recognition within th declarer sovereign territories.

Now I will discuss Example with case studies: It is very important to note here that, in international arena recognition is very important to deal with legal activities. Then it would clear that how recognition is important
 Case Study: A Major Pharmaceutical Company
this major pharmaceutical company wanted to build a culture of recognition where employees would be encouraged to reward each other for working to support their company priorities. In addition it wanted to recognize service anniversaries. The company had never had a formal recognition program. Employees thought of recognition as being tied to their compensation. With 21,000 employees at 24 locations, the Client saw the task of rolling out, and managing a recognition program as a major challenge.
Maritz recommended a custom web-based recognition solution on the Ascent platform. Features included Thank You cards that all employees could issue, and point-based awards which supervisors could issue. Points could be accumulated by employees for redemption on the Maritz site - Award. Service anniversary recipients also received their choice of merchandise awards, and a client-branded item. Client items were stored and fulfilled from the Maritz warehouse.
Development of the program started with a two-day working session where the Client and Maritz determined program rules and the website layout. Upon completion of the website, two flash emails were sent to communicate the program, first to supervisors only, introducing the program and asking for their attendance at an upcoming training session. A second email was sent to all employees, introducing the program, and showing them how to access the site. Then Maritz and the Client conducted ten training sessions on the program for supervisors. The presentation included training on recognition best practices, and instructions on how to use the website. Tutorials and video vignettes were included as visual aids. The sessions were a success reaching nearly 1,500 supervisors, HR reps, and administrative assistants. Materials from the training, including a supervisor’s toolkit, and the online tutorials were available for supervisors to access through the program website. The program, which is on-going, has evolved as data is gathered and analyzed.

• Year-end analysis indicated 86% of employees had registered for the program against a 80% goal
• 91% of enrolled employees participated surpassing the 60% participation target
• Quarterly reviews provided the Client with actionable insights for supporting a culture of recognition

 Case Study: A Major UK Financial Institution:
The Client, a major financial institution, made the decision to try and differentiate in a very mature European banking industry by radically overhauling its customer experience. Although the strategy was set, there was significant concern about whether or not the company’s 43,000 employees would be able to live into that vision. They knew that all their new advertising and marketing would be worthless if they failed to execute against the brand promise at the front line.
The Client came to Maritz seeking help in moving the organization into the new brand vision. The solution developed by Maritz was to attack the problem in three phases: employee research, internal alignment and recognition.
Maritz leveraged decades of research expertise to build the methods and models that would help the firm better understand its employees. To do this, Maritz identified several key dimensions of desirable brand personality. The results were used to help determine the current and desired “DNA” of the organization.
Internal Alignment
Aligning 43,000 individuals to a major organizational change is no small feat. Maritz first launched the program to 1,000 senior managers, who cascaded the message to 5,000 midlevel managers. The next phase evolved the DNA through 360-degree feedback, manager one-on-ones and workshops. Finally, Maritz created a one-day brand launch for all 43,000 associates in retail branches, call centers and back offices, facilitated by “Brand Champions.”
To sustain the desired behavior beyond the initial launch, Maritz suggested a formal recognition program which would seek out and award those displaying the desired behaviors in the new brand reality.
• Current accounts were up significantly after one year.
• Products per customer increased from 2.5 to 4.3.
• Employee surveys showed overall improvements in commitment, views on management and belief in the Client's products

 Case Study: A Leading Hospitality Company
The global frequent-guest program of this leading hospitality provider was designed to reward their best customers for their frequent visits. Located across the globe and varying widely in demographics, their most loyal guests are annually recognized during the holidays by way of a special award program. Customer complaints regarding back-orders and non-delivered rewards alerted the Client to problems with their existing award fulfillment vendor. This appeared to be a particular challenge in international markets. The Client needed a reward and fulfillment partner who could deliver appealing rewards, in a timely manner, to these high value guests. They chose to partner with Maritz based on its reputation for excellent service.
Maritz considered the demographics of the frequent guest membership and combined that input with historical redemption data and merchandising trends to develop a selection of rewards that would have the most appeal. The Client sent a targeted mailing to their guests, showing them the selection of rewards and directing them to a custom reward site, designed by Maritz, where they could order their selection. The user-friendly reward site allowed for expedited fulfillment of client orders both domestically and internationally. Maritz buyers paid close attention to inventories to prevent back-order issues and to track response to the reward offerings.
• In the first year of the program Maritz efficiently handled a total of 5,452 orders.
• Customer complaints regarding back orders and non-deliveries were virtually eliminated.
• Problems with international shipping were eliminated.
• The program, now in its third year with Maritz, continues to source rewards that are fresh, appealing, and meaningful to the Clients most loyal guests
 Case Study: A National Restaurant Chain
While the Client clearly understood the relationship between engaged employees and good customer experiences, their existing recognition and rewards program was not getting the results they needed. The rewards selection did not have particular appeal to the Gen X and Gen Y staff and redemption was difficult. Managers were not pushing the program down the line. The Company faced high employee turnover resulting in high recruiting and training costs. In each of their 52 locations there were three separate groups (bar, restaurant, gaming). They needed different programs with unique goals and objectives to increase the effectiveness of each one. They asked Maritz to develop a program that was simple and easy for managers to use.
Maritz designed the Most Valuable Producer (MVP) points-bank program using their Recognition Manager platform, with multiple budgets for individual managers. The MVP program offered a wide range of awards and redemption methods more tailored to their employee demographics. The program, which took only two and a half months from agreement to launch, was supported with a heavy communications push.
• The MVP program, which is ongoing, saw a significant drop in employee turnover.
• Managers embraced the opportunity to recognize employees with more than verbal praise.
• Managers and employees bonded and became more engaged.
In the Client’s own words; “Our stores and team members have been singing the praises of the MVP program
r fail to meet our expectations

 Case Study: A Major Casino Operator
A key to the success of this Casino operator is its strong commitment to customer retention, and growing its customer base. Players at their Las Vegas venue accumulate points as they visit throughout the year. As a way of recognizing its most valued patrons, the Casino invites them to return at year end to take part in an annual "Gifts Extravaganza.”
The Client had seen a drop off in repeat-player interest in the event, and was concerned that the reward selections from its current vendor did not have the breadth and depth required to keep the promotion fresh.
Based on its reputation for expertise in event planning and its broad merchandise offering, Maritz was asked to partner with the Casino to bring a new perspective to this event. Maritz started by gaining an understanding of the Casino’s business strategies and goals. It was apparent that the existing reward selection was not clearly targeted to the attendees’ demographics. Maritz recommended a strategic reward selection that would truly engage the customer base and also deliver a significant WOW factor to the event. Maritz support staff provided on-site merchandise samples and fulfillment of the rewards redeemed.
• 65 % of patrons who had attended previously said the 2006 event was better than ever
• 75% were pleased with the selection of gifts available
• Maritz dedicated staffing, and support of the event were noted by the client and the attendees
• Maritz and the Client studied post-event feedback to find ways to make the event even more appealing in 2007

 Case Study: Leading Hospitality Company
The global frequent-guest program of this leading hospitality provider was designed to reward their best customers for their frequent visits. Located across the globe and varying widely in demographics, their most loyal guests are annually recognized during the holidays by way of a special award program. Customer complaints regarding back-orders and non-delivered rewards alerted the Client to problems with their existing award fulfillment vendor. This appeared to be a particular challenge in international markets. The Client needed a reward and fulfillment partner who could deliver appealing rewards, in a timely manner, to these high value guests. They chose to partner with Maritz based on its reputation for excellent service.

Maritz considered the demographics of the frequent guest membership and combined that input with historical redemption data and merchandising trends to develop a selection of rewards that would have the most appeal. The Client sent a targeted mailing to their guests, showing them the selection of rewards and directing them to a custom reward site, designed by Maritz, where they could order their selection. The user-friendly reward site allowed for expedited fulfillment of client orders both domestically and internationally. Maritz buyers paid close attention to inventories to prevent back-order issues and to track response to the reward offerings.
• In the first year of the program Maritz efficiently handled a total of 5,452 orders.
• Customer complaints regarding back orders and non-deliveries were virtually eliminated.
• Problems with international shipping were eliminated.
• The program, now in its third year with Maritz, continues to source rewards that are fresh, appealing, and meaningful to the Clients most loyal guests
 Case study:Maritz Increased Awareness of ALSA
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association (ALSA) benefits ALS, more commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Like most cause related agencies, the ALSA generates revenue by selling “pinups” through various retailers at the point of sale. Maritz helped increase the revenue and awareness for the ALSA, while at the same time generating incremental revenue for participating retailers. The objective of the turnkey program was to increase:
• ALSA Pinup Sales
• The Public’s knowledge of the cause and efforts of the ALSA
• Incremental Revenue
Maritz developed an easy to implement program designed to motivate retail employees to sell ALSA pinups during customer transactions. By introducing pre-denominated reward cards to employees, the program could be tiered to offer multiple rewards levels and drive performance. The reward cards, a Maritz proprietary product called the exclusively (EY) card, can be used at over 150 retail, travel, catalog and online merchants. Program elements included:
• Reward vehicle: The EY card gives the participant choice and is easy to use, just like a debit card
• Store Manager incentives: To promote the program through their store and motivate their employees, store managers also received a pre-denominated EY card
• Targeted communications: Program participants were given a clear understanding of program objectives and goals with ongoing communications
• Mystery Shopping: To motivate employees to exhibit the correct behavior, ALSA volunteers posed as normal customers in various retail partner stores. Employees exhibiting the correct behavior were rewarded with an additional reward card
• Store Coupons: Retail partners attached store coupons upon ALSA pinups as a contribution to the ALSA for their efforts
• Creative Theme: “R.U.N. to defeat ALS” was a memorable acronym that helped generate the desired program behavior from all program participants.

 Case Study: A Major Casino Operator
A key to the success of this Casino operator is its strong commitment to customer retention, and growing its customer base. Players at their Las Vegas venue accumulate points as they visit throughout the year. As a way of recognizing its most valued patrons, the Casino invites them to return at year end to take part in an annual "Gifts Extravaganza.”
The Client had seen a drop off in repeat-player interest in the event, and was concerned that the reward selections from its current vendor did not have the breadth and depth required to keep the promotion fresh.
Based on its reputation for expertise in event planning and its broad merchandise offering, Maritz was asked to partner with the Casino to bring a new perspective to this event. Maritz started by gaining an understanding of the Casino’s business strategies and goals. It was apparent that the existing reward selection was not clearly targeted to the attendees’ demographics. Maritz recommended a strategic reward selection that would truly engage the customer base and also deliver a significant WOW factor to the event. Maritz support staff provided on-site merchandise samples and fulfillment of the rewards redeemed.
• 65 % of patrons who had attended previously said the 2006 event was better than ever
• 75% were pleased with the selection of gifts available
• Maritz dedicated staffing, and support of the event were noted by the client and the attendees
• Maritz and the Client studied post-event feedback to find ways to make the event even more appealing in 2007
 Case Study: A Large Wireless Telecommunications Provider

The Client employed a large, diverse workforce. The company had recently undergone a merger leading to a mix of legacy employees and employees from the former company. The client operated both sales incentive and recognition of top performer programs. Although post-event surveys were completed, a broad reward and recognition assessment had not been done for all participants. The Client wanted to understand the business return on their program investment. Did the programs align with business objectives? Were the employees engaged and motivated?
“The post-event surveys that we had conducted in the past told us about the event, but they didn’t tell us if we were hitting home with the program as a whole. We needed to know more,” said the Client Sponsor.
The ultimate goal was to implement the most motivating reward and recognition program to drive increased performance and maximize business results. Maritz recommended a complete review of the client’s current programs, using a comprehensive, people-driven approach with a sophisticated research component.
The program began with an electronic survey which tested the alignment of program objectives with business objectives, as well as the program’s ability to influence behavior and activity.
This was followed by a Web-based survey in which respondents viewed multiple travel program design options side-by-side, and selected the option they would work harder to earn. This choice experiment was designed to optimize travel awards to address diversity, increase motivation and move middle performers to higher levels of achievement. In order to get the most meaningful feedback Maritz recommended surveying everyone who competes for the trip, not just past winners.
Employee feedback indicated;
• that rules structures were focused more on front-line sellers leaving managers unengaged.
• that sellers and managers wanted more timely performance feedback.
• that shorter stays at sun/fun destination are preferred over longer stays elsewhere.
• that a majority of sellers favor peer recognition.
• that a more regional approach was likely to result in improved performance.
• Maritz was able to present a total strategic solution. They recommended that the national sales recognition travel program be revised to focus on regional events.
• A full communication strategy and solution to support the programs was created, including more timely and enhanced messages.
• In addition, Maritz recommended changes in the design and rules structure for the overall recognition program that would make it more relevant and appealing to a broad group of participants.
 Case Study: A National Restaurant Chain
While the Client clearly understood the relationship between engaged employees and good customer experiences, their existing recognition and rewards program was not getting the results they needed. The rewards selection did not have particular appeal to the Gen X and Gen Y staff and redemption was difficult. Managers were not pushing the program down the line. The Company faced high employee turnover resulting in high recruiting and training costs. In each of their 52 locations there were three separate groups (bar, restaurant, gaming). They needed different programs with unique goals and objectives to increase the effectiveness of each one. They asked Maritz to develop a program that was simple and easy for managers to use.
Maritz designed the Most Valuable Producer (MVP) points-bank program using their Recognition Manage platform, with multiple budgets for individual managers. The MVP program offered a wide range of awards and redemption methods more tailored to their employee demographics. The program, which took only two and a half months from agreement to launch, was supported with a heavy communications push.
• The MVP program, which is ongoing, saw a significant drop in employee turnover.
• Managers embraced the opportunity to recognize employees with more than verbal praise.
• Managers and employees bonded and became more engaged.
In the Client’s own words; “Our stores and team members have been singing the praises of the MVP program.”
Sometimes we have to see that,recognition is not necessary to legal consequence, here I can apply an example .
 Case: Salimoff and co. Vs Standard oil company of New York, 1933
In this case, salimoff was a Russian citizens, he had an oil company in Russia.
After 1917 October revolution, Russian government nationalized al the industry It should be noted here that after revolution Salimoff took shelter in America. At the subsequent times, Standard Oil Company of New York, made a treaty with Russian Government regarding the issues of oil buying .According to the treaty when oil has been exporting in New York, Spinoff demanded over oil. And a case filed in Court against Russia. His argument was that, Russian declaration of nationalization was illegal, on the other hand, until that time; U.S.A did not recognized to Russia.

What was the main concern of this case?
• Can Mr. salimoff get back oil?
• Recognition is necessary or not?

Court refused to demand the Salimoff, Court also proclaim that Standard oil company can purchase of Oil to Russia, although America did not recognized to Russia. In this aspect, it is not necessary to recognized Russia .Because of until that time Russia s activities was going on over the years .

So Standard oil company of New York can purchase/import the oil without any barrier.

State practice
State practice relating the recognition states typically falls somewhere between the declaratory and constitutive approaches International law does not require a state to recognize other states.
Recognition is often withheld when a new state is seen as illegitimate or has come about in breach of international law. Almost universal non-recognition by the international community of Rhodesia and the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus are good examples of this. In the former case, recognition was widely withheld when the White minority seized power and attempted to form a state along the lines of Apartheid South Africa. A move which the United
Nations Security Council described as the creation of an "illegal racist minority régime". In the latter case recognition was widely withheld from a state created in Northern Cyprus on land which was illegally invaded by Turkey in 1974.
Recognition - U.S. policy in the recognition of states :
For its first century, the policy of the United States was to recognize de facto governments. (Despite many military coups and dictatorial governments established in Mexico between 1823 and 1860, for example, the United States withdrew its diplomatic representatives from Mexico City only three times, and that for only short periods.) In the early twentieth century this changed somewhat as a large element of moralism motivated the administration of Woodrow Wilson. Subsequent administrations reverted to the policy of "de factoism" during the 1920s and 1930s, but the United States refused to recognize forcible changes made in the territory or governments of victims of aggression, be the offender Japan, as in the case of Manchuria, the Soviet Union with respect to the Baltic states, or Germany with respect to its conquest of western Europe during World War II. A policy of no recognition was followed toward the Baltic States until these were freed of Russian control at the end of the Cold War. The United States also obtained collective support for the policy from democratic European nations and the Latin
Until Wilson's presidency, United States practice prior to extending recognition was to eschew the question of legitimacy and to demand effectiveness and evidence of popular consent, with the element of democratic legality proved by means of free elections. Although monarchic heads of state took as an open declaration of war by the French National Convention in 1792 that it would aid those seeking to recover their liberties, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson stated, "It accords with our principles to acknowledge any government to be rightful which is formed by the will of the people, substantially declared." By adding, however, that he would deal in certain instances with a "government de facto," he has been declared a pioneer of "de factoism."
Recognition - O.k. policy in the recognition of states:
The British waited until a political party was elected to the Government. The British then granted de jure recognition, with conditions. The territories Israel had acquired by war, outside of its declared Sovereign Boundaries, were considered to be ‘occupied’. I.e., NOT Israeli Sovereign territory.

Legal Consequence of Recognition

“Recognition is a unilateral act of a State and one that has international legal
Consequences”, for instance where State grant recognition to an entity, it accepts that they will have relations subject to international law on basis of State/State.

• Only a recognized state or government has locus standi in the UK courts
• Only a recognized state or government (or its agents), may plead immunity
• From suit. It cannot be sued without its consent.
• Only the legislative, executive or judicial acts of a recognized state or Government will be given legal effect within the United Kingdom”65 Shaw adds one more “it will be entitled to possession in the recognizing state of Property belonging to its predecessor”

• The recognized states becomes entitled to sue in the courts of the recognizing state
• In the concept of De jure recognition, diplomatic relations are establishment and thus rules of international law relating to privilege and immunities apply.
• In the international politics, act of state doctrine is being a popular doctrine. Act of state Doctrine is doctrine in one hand where a sovereign state can do anything within his territory; on the other hand, no state can do anything in this aspect.
• In practice, like claimed by declaratory theory, the political existence of a State is not bound to the recognition of other States, therefore an unrecognized State has to act comply with the international law rules.
• It means that, when the States sign an international agreement which is signed by a State they have not recognized, they will have the right to ask from that state to fulfill the responsibilities grow out of the agreement.
• After recognition, the recognizing States would respect to the rights of the new State which indicated in the International Law Commission Draft Declaration on Rights and Duties of States, 1949, such as “right to independence and hence to exercise freely, right to exercise jurisdiction over its territory and over all persons, right to equality in law with every other State, right of individual or collective self-defense against armed attack”
• The participation in the international process is not the only result of recognition, at the same time the recognized State will be able to enjoy usual legal consequences of recognition such as privileges and immunities within the domestic legal order.

Here it is important to bear in mind the limits between international law and state law. Reorganization confers on the recognized state or government a status under both international law and municipal law. In this section, we shall first deal with the status under municipal law and accordingly will examine for this purpose the law and practice normally applied by Anglo –American courts.


Recognition is one of the most difficult and complicated topics in international
Law. It is complicated because it involves important political results and legal effects both in international and municipal law. Political assessments always effect the recognition decision . Where the States give a decision about recognition, of course they will weigh the advantages against the disadvantages of this decision. If it is looked into the some cases relevant to recognition in international law, I think it can be understood clearly, to grant recognition completely depends on political considerations. In my point of view, recognition for a State means merely to decide that, whether it is suitable for her needs or not there are basically two theories to explicate recognition; the constitutive and the declaratory theory. The constitutive theory asserts that States and governments do not legally exist until recognized by the international community and the declaratory theory adopts that States and governments gain in the international personality when they come
into existence. I think the declaratory theory is more conformable to reason and parallel to the practice of international law and it is supported by the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States.


 Rashid –ur- Harun, “An introduction to international law”,(2nd. ed.Anupan Gyan Bhander press,Dhaka 1998)
 Tunkin. G.I , “An introduction to international law” ,(3th.ed.Progress publishers ,Moscow1946 )
 Brownlie, “Principles of Public International Law”, (6th . ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003)

 Shaw H.S Malcolm, “ International law,(6th .ed. Cambridge university .London, 2007)
 Dr. Harris L.L.m,Ph.D, “ Cases and materials :International law”,(5th .ed. London and sweet and Maxwell 1990)
 William w.Bishop Jr,( International law :cases and materials(3th,ed Little brown :and company ,Boston)

 J.B .Stark,Introduction to international law,( 9th.ed.Butterworth and Company,London 1984)p-131
 Dr.S.K Kapoor,International law and human right,(New ed.Moulic Library,Calcutta 2008.

 Dr.Mizanur Rhaman,”International law in the changing world”(New,ed.palal publication,Dhaka 2003,)p,76-77

 Wikipedia, “ International Law
